Personality Factors

This part dealt with the intrinsic side of affectivity: personality factors within a person that contribute in some way to the success of language learning. Ernest Hilgard, well known for his study of human learning and cognition, once noted that "purely cognitive theories of learning will be rejected unless a role is assigned to affectivity"(1963:267)

The Affective Domain

Affect refers to emotion or feeling. The affective domain is the emotional side of human behavior, and it may be juxtaposed to the cognitive side.
Three decades ago, Benjamin Bloom and his colleagues(Karthwohl, Bloom, and Masia 1964) provided a useful extended definiton of the affective domain that is still widely used today:

  1. At the first and fundamental level, the development of affectivity begins with receiving. Persons must be aware of the environment surrounding them, be conscious of situations, phenomena, people, objects; be willing to receive, willing to tolerate a stimulus, not avoid it, and give a stimulus their controlled or selected attention.
  2. Next, persons must go beynd receiving to responding, committing themselves in at least some small measure to a phenomenon or a persons. Such responding in one dimension may be in acquiescence, but in another, higher, dimension, the person is willing to respond voluntarily without coercion, and then to receive satisification from that response.